MaTHiSiS Learning Mini-Games
- Creator: Nurogames GmbH email
This mobile version 4 minigames provide a couple of examples about the range of learning materials that are available within the MaTHiSiS Plattform that is dedicated to provide personalized adaptive learning content based on learners abilities, skills, previous knowledge, affect state, and a number of other parameters that measure the performance of the learner.
A "Memory" game familiarizes the user with some of the interactions with learning material and the technology used within MaTHiSiS project. In the game the learner is asked to memorize the sequence and try to replicate it. As such, this application provides basic training to the cognitive abilities of the learner. In the "Labyrinth" Game In the game the player has reach the goal by navigating through a simple labyrinth thus training space orientation and problem solving skills. In the "Select Corresponding Picture" game the player has to select a picture based on the description provided below. Thus it provides basic training of logic, vocabulary and semantics understanding. In the "Order Numbers" game the player has to place the numbers in an ascending order that trains basic logic and maths skills of the learner.
MaTHiSiS solution is designed for the learners with and without disabilities and the presented application is a dissemination tool offering one of the numerous applications with various difficulties that are present in the platform.. Within the full platform numerous learning materials are presented which are selected automatically based on the user`s performance, affect state, knowledge etc.
For further details, visit project website:
Language: English
- MathisisSelectCorrespondingPicture2019-03-13.apk
- MathisisMemory2019-03-13.apk
- MathisisLabyrinthLeftRight2019-03-13.apk
- MathisisOrderNumbers2019-03-13.apk
Version: Final
Version notes: Final public version. Packaged as apk
Development status: Completed
Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)