Motivation-based Adaptation Component
- Creator: TU Graz
- Publisher: Rage project
- Owner: TU Graz, CSS
This component allows adapting the game to the player's motivation based on in-game events.
Short non-technical description: Based on three major motivation aspects – attention, satisfaction, and confidence (gained from the Motivation Assessment Component) the game is adapted to maintain high motivation. When reaching critical low values for the motivation aspects interventions are triggered to raise them again.
Technical description:
Rule-based mechanics trigger intervention based on the calculated motivation aspect values coming from the Motivation Assessment Component. At first glance, it seems clear, that only critical low motivation aspect values trigger an intervention. After detailed consideration, we realize, that also the detection of high motivation aspect values can be meaningful in combination with low values for another motivation aspect value. For example, there might be two types of intervention for low values of attention. The first type is appropriate in case the player is very confident; the second type targets unconfident players. Based on these considerations, we implemented a rule-based mechanic working with propositional logic in combination with the motivation aspect values.
Support Level: Reported bugs will be fixed.
Detailed description: Rule-based mechanics trigger intervention based on the calculated motivation aspect values coming from the Motivation Assessment Asset. At first glance, it seems clear, that only critical low motivation aspect values trigger an intervention. After detailed consideration, we realize, that also the detection of high motivation aspect values can be meaningful in combination with low values for another motivation aspect value. For example, there might be two types of intervention for low values of attention. The first type is appropriate in case the player is very confident; the second type targets unconfident players. Based on these considerations, we implemented a rule-based mechanic working with propositional logic in combination with the motivation aspect values. The Motivation Assessment Asset is used for retrieving the current motivational state of the player and the motivation model, which stores the motivation interventions and instances.
Language: English
Access URL:
Motivation-based Adaptation Component
game adaptation
Game development environment: Unity
Programming language: C#
Version: 1.0.0
Version notes: Initial version
Development status: Under Development
Commit URL:
Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)