Competence Component v2
- Creator: Matthias Maurer, Alexander Nussbaumer, Christina Steiner
- Publisher: Rage project
- Owner: Graz University of Technology
This component is an update and integration of the Competence Assessment and Competence-based Adaptation Component and allows to assess competences and recommend game situations.
Short non-technical description: This component allows to assess competences of a player during the game play and to recommend meaningful game situations. It is based on a competence model that includes prerequisite relations between competences and relations between game situations and competences. If a player plays a game, the result success of individual game situations are monitored and used for assessment. Based on the assessment, next meaningful game situations are recommended.
Technical description:
In principle, the component has a simple API for assessment and recommendation.
First, each time a player completes a game situation, this information is sent to the component via the udpate function:
- updateGamesituation (string gamesituation, bool success, float quality = 1.0f)
Second, the component can be asked which game situation should be presented next:
- getGamesituationRecommendation(int quantity=1)
In order to get the current competence state, the value of all competences can be asked:
- getCompetenceValues ()
Details can be found n the API documentation.
Language: English
Access URL:
Source code:
Game development environment: Unity
Target platform: Windows
Programming language: C#
Version: 1.0
Version notes: pre-final version
Development status: Under Development
Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)