Posted on Nov 23, 2017 | Rating

BML Realizer

Behavior Mark-up Language (BML) Realizer allows the games developers to add multi-modal expressive behaviors to conversational game characters.

Short non-technical description:

Behavior Mark-up Language (BML) Realizer provides an easy way to synchronize multi-modal character behaviors such as lip-synchronized speech, facial expressions, gestures and gaze.

BML is an XML description language for controlling the verbal and non-verbal behaviors of an embodied conversational character (

Technical description:

Behaviour Mark-up Language (BML) describes a set of behaviours and synchronization constraints between these behaviours. BML Realizer component is a realizer of this language and helps the game developers to include expression rich conversational characters to their games.

BML Realizer makes it easier to author character behaviours using a human-readable XML-based notation and does not require programming. The component is built on top of the Unity 3D Game Engine.

The animation pipeline includes the following steps: 1) Importing an animatable 3D character from DAZ3D Studio together with blendshapes for speech and facial animation and adding it to the Unity project 2) Adding individual animation controllers for speech, facial animation, gestures and gaze 3) Linking the individual controllers to the BML Realizer 4) Writing a BML script to generate multi-modal synchronized animations.

More information can be found here:

Language: English

Access URL:


virtual human

multi-modal conversational animation

Game development environment: Unity

Target platform: Windows

Programming language: C#

Version: 0.1

Version notes: Initial version

Development status: Completed

Commit URL:

Type: Apache 2.0 (Apache License 2.0)


Interpersonal skills Communication Conflict management Negotiation Working with others Core Skill
Computers in other domains Computer games
Component Avatar Systems

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